How to insert record in to SAP ABAP Internal table in five different ways

Lets consider the following table as an example

101MikeStrasse 11
102ThiruStrasse 12
103ManiStreet 22
104MiruStreet 23
105ManojStreet 25
  • Insert records from a database table in to an Internal table in SAP ABAP
    • Example: SELECT contact_id contact_name contact_address FROM ztt_table1 INTO TABLE lt_internal_table

  • Append the contents of a structure(work area) to an Internal table in SAP ABAP


ls_structure-contact_id = 200.

ls_structure-contact_name = ‘Virat kohli’

ls_structure-contact_address = ‘Street 200’.

APPEND ls_structure TO lt_internal_table.

  • APPEND the contents of an internal table1 to an another internal table 2

APPEND LINES OF lt_internal_table1 TO internal_table2

  • Insert the work area contents in to an Internal table

INSERT ls_structure INTO TABLE lt_internal_table1.

  • Insert the work area contents at a particular position in an internal table

INSERT ls_structure INTO lt_internal_table1 INDEX 4.

  • Insert the lines of an internal table 1 in to an internal table 2

INSERT LINES OF lt_internal_table1 INTO TABLE lt_internal_table2.

  • Insert the lines of an internal table 1 at a particular position of an internal table 2

INSERT LINES OF lt_internal_table1 INTO lt_internal_table2 INDEX 3.

  • Inserting records in to an internal table directly using VALUE command

DATA lt_internal_table1 TYPE TABLE OF ztt_table2.

lt_internal_table1 = VALUE #( ( contact_id = 300 contact_name = ‘Rishi’ contact_address = ‘Street 33’ ) ).