How to resolve the Error ‘Database table must be a flat structure’ in SAP ABAP

DATA: BEGIN OF ps_struct.

INCLUDE STRUCTURE zss_db_table1. “ ==>Below syntax Error:

“ZSS_DB_TABLE! must be a flat structure.

                            “Internal tables, strings, references, and structures cannot be used as components.

DATA field4 TYPE i.

DATA: END of ps_struct.

DATA lt_internal_table TYPE TABLE OF ztt_db_Table1.

SELECT *FROM ztt_db_table1 INTO TABLE lt_internal_table.

LOOP AT lt_internal_table ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_struct>).

              MOVE_CORRESPONDING <ls_struct> TO ps_struct.

              ps_struct-field4 = ‘field4’.

              WRITE:/ ps_struct-field1.


The error is due to the field3 component in the Database table. The Datatype of FIELD3 component is String.


Flat structure consists of all elementary data types except string and xstring. The error is resolved by changing the datatype of the component ‘FIELD3’.