rare html tags

5 HTML rare tags


2. <address>:

<address>  tag defines the contact information of the organization or person or author of an article. It can be anything like address, email, phone number or website URL. The text inside the address tag is displayed in italics.


3. <mark>:

<mark> tag is used for highlighting the text. It’s different from bold or italics. It’s similar to highlighting a text in a textbook while reading. AN example of <mark> tag can be often seen while searching something in web while the text we entered while searching is highlighted by the search engine while displaying search results and not by the original author.


4. <ins> and <del>:

<ins> and <del> are tags used to define the text inserted and deleted from the document. By default, the browser displays the inserted element with the underline and deleted element with the strike line through a text which is deleted.


5. <fieldset>:

<fieldset> tag is used to group related elements in a form. This tag draws a box around the elements within the fieldset. <legend> tag is used to add caption to the fieldset.


These are the five uncommon unused HTML tags.