Deep Insight into Big Data: Understanding Big Data Basics

What is Big Data? Big data refers to the large collection of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data mostly collected from Internet connected devices. This represents the massive amount of data an organization is exposed to daily and cannot be managed by traditional database management systems. It led to the evolution of model-driven paradigm to data-driven …

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What is the difference between OOP and Functional programming

Parameter Object Oriented Programming Functional Programming Definition A programming paradigm based on the concept of objects which contains data in the form of fields called attributes and code in the form of methods A programming paradigm based on the concept of procedure calls Paradigm Approach Bottom-up Approach Top-down Approach Data Control In OOP data in …

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What is the difference between check box and check box hotspot cell type in CL_SALV_TABLE?

Checkbox Checkbox Hotspot It is used just as a display of checkbox. It mentions that the particular line of record is selected. It can be used to trigger an event of type LINK_CLICK. The value of the checkbox cannot be changed. The value of checkbox can be changed. It is not used to manipulate the …

What is the difference between check box and check box hotspot cell type in CL_SALV_TABLE? Read More »

How to use various cell types in new SAP ALV Display of type CL_SALV_TABLE?

               The various cell types can be used both in container mode and complete mode. The cell types are constructed based on the Attribute of the Interface ‘IF_SALV_C_CELL_TYPE’. Type of cell Attribute of IF_SALV_C_CELL_TYPE Display mode container / complete Event Text => Text Both – Checkbox => Checkbox Both – Checkbox hotspot => checkbox_hotspot Both …

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How to optimize the width of the column of type CL_SALV_COLUMNS_TABLE

               The width of the column is optimized through three methods. Optimize all columns. Optimize one single column. Manually set the width of columns. The optimization is based on the content of the ALV Table. Optimize all columns. In order to optimize all the columns of the ALV Table, call the set_optimize method of the …

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How to explain Method overloading and Method overriding in German language?

Method Overloading – Methoden überladung                Die Klasse hat mehrere Methoden mit dem selben Namen. Die Methode hat aber unterschiedlicher Signatur. Der Parameter hat verschiedene Datentyp. Die Anzahl der Parameter sind unterschiedlich. Method Overriding – Überschreiben der Methode                Überschreiben der Methode ist zwischen der Klasse. Die Methode von der übergeordneten Klasse wurde in der …

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What is the difference between overloading and overriding in OOPs?

Description Overloading Overriding Achieved It is achieved by having different methods with the same name and different signature It is achieved by redefining the method in the sub class. The class is originally defined in the super class. Same The methods names are the same. Only the signature varies. The method definition (name) including the …

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How to set the column position using the class CL_SALV_COLUMNS_TABLE?

The column position in the ALV Display can be controlled using the set_column_position method of the class CL_SALV_COLUMNS_TABLE. There are two parameter used in the method call. The column name identifies the column to be positioned. The position parameter mentions the position of the column in ALV Display. Let us look at the following example: …

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What is the difference between data reference and object reference in SAP ABAP

PARAMETER DATA OBJECT DEFINITION DATA lr_ref TYPE REF TO data. DATA lr_object TYPE REF TO object. CREATION CREATE DATA lr_ref TYPE REF TO (‘ZIF_INSTANCE’). CREATE OBJECT lr_object TYPE (‘ZCL_CLASS’). DEREFERENCE It can be dereferenced. The object or any value can be assigned to dereferenced reference variable.lr_ref->* = lr_object Object references cannot be dereferenced. This notation …

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How to create an object dynamically in SAP ABAP

Name of the class: ZTC_CHECK_CLS. Name of the method: METHOD_ONE. DATA lr_check_cls TYPE REF TO object. CREATE OBJECT lr_check_cls TYPE (‘ZTC_CHECK_CLS’). CALL METHOD (‘ZTC_CHECK_CLS’)->(‘METHOD_ONE’). If the class ‘ZTC_CHECK_CLS’ is not available in your repository. it will throw a runtime error as the object is created only during the runtime.