How to rename the column in the SAP ALV List through field catalog

The column names can be changed with the help of the fields REPTEXT, SCRTEXT_L, SCRTEXT_M and SCRTEXT_L of field catalog. If you wish to use only text of field ‘scrtext_l’, then fill the text only in this field ‘SCRTEXT_L’. The other texts can be ignored as the ALV takes the filled text automatically.

FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_field_cat> TYPE lvc_s_fcat.

LOOP AT lt_field_cat ASSIGNING <ls_field_cat> WHERE fieldname = ‘CONTACT_ADDRESS’.

              <ls_field_cat> – reptext = ‘New Contact address’.

              <ls_field_cat> – scrtext_l = ‘New Contact add’.

              <ls_field_cat> – scrtext_m = ‘New Contact’.

              <ls_field_cat> – scrtext_s = ‘New Con’.