Button: The cell type of cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_button resembles as a button in the user interface of the SAP ALV list. As the user clicks this button, any event can be executed like opening up a new window.
Dropdown List: It is used to provide a list of values as a dropdown list.
The following steps are necessary to implement the Button
- Extend the Internal table with the additional field of type LVC_T_STYL.
- Set the fields fieldname, style of lvc_t_styl to each row of the ALV List. The column is specified in the fieldname.
- The stylename field of the layout is assigned with the field style component.
- Extension of Internal table with Fieldstyle component.
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_contact.
INCLUDE STRUCTURE ztt_db_table2.
TYPES: fieldstyle TYPE lvc_t_styl.
END OF ty_contact.
- Set the column in the SAP ALV List with the field style ‘cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_button’.
DATA lt_contact TYPE TABLE OF ty_contact.
DATA ls_style TYPE lvc_s_styl.
FIELD_SYMBOLS <ls_contact> TYPE ty_contact.
LOOP AT lt_contact ASSIGNING <ls_contact>.
ls_style-fieldname = ‘CONTACT_NAME’.
ls_style-style = cl_gui_Alv_grid =>mc_style_button.
APPEND ls_style TO <ls_contact>-fieldstyle.
- Setting the stylename field of the layout.
ls_layout-stylename = ’FIELDSTYLE’.