New Year in Deutsch

How to say ” Happy New Year” in German?

Today 31. December is Silvester / New Year’s eve in Germany. Now we will see about how to wish someone for new year.

  • Guten Rutsch! – Literally translates to Good Jump or Good Slide. Usually said to someone that you won’t see anymore that year. For example in last day at work before New Year’s eve. Today I heard this in Supermarket, customer said to the employee in the counter before leaving.
  • Alles Gute für das neue Jahr! – All the best for the New Year.
  • Prosit Neujahr! – Happy New Year.
  • Ein gutes neues Jahr! – Happy New Year.
  • Frohes Neujahr! – Happy New Year.

Silvester und Neujahrs Vokabeln

  • das Feuerwerk – fireworks
  • der Neujahrsvorsatz – new year resolution
  • die Vorhersage – prediction
  • der Aberglaube – superstition
  • der Glücksbringer – lucky charm
  • der Böller – fire cracker
  • der sekt – sparkling wine
  • das Jahresende – End of the year
  • das Jahrhundert – century
  • das Jahrtausend – millineium
  • das Bleigießen – molybdomancy / lead pouring ( New year’s tradition)
  • der Glückspfennig – good luck coin / penny
  • das Hufeisen – Horse shoe
  • das Glücksschwein – the good luck pig
  • der Jahreswechsel – turn of the year
  • die Rakete – rocket
  • der Silvesterbrauch – New year’s eve tradition
  • der Jahresanfang – beginning of the year.

Typical New Year Resolution / Typische Neujahrsvorsätze:

  • mehr Deutsch lernen (learn German more)
  • abnehmen (weight loss)
  • gesünder leben (healthy life)
  • mehr wasser trinken (drink more water)
  • mehr sparen (save more)
  • mehr lesen (read more)
  • etwas neues lernen ( learn something new)
  • mehr sport treiben ( to do more sports)

These are some of the new year resolutions. I am wishing you all a wonderful prosperous and healthy new year. What is your New Year Resolution? Leave your new year resolution in comments section below.