Delete, Truncate and Drop Table in SQL

Let us understand the difference between delete truncate and drop table:

Delete Truncate and Drop Table:

Command TypeDML(Data Manipulation Language)DDL(Data Definition Language)DDL(Data Definition Language)
Rollback transactionCan be rolled backCannot be rolled backCannot be rolled back
Permanent deleteSince it is DML does not remove records permanentlySince it is DDL removes the records permanentlySince it is DDL removes the records permanently
TriggerTrigger is firedNo trigger usedNo trigger used
PerformanceSlower than truncateFaster than deleteQuick but some complications
Can we use WHERE clause?Yes WHERE clause can be usedNo WHERE clause can be usedNo WHERE clause can be used
SyntaxDELETE FROM table_name;TRUNCATE table_name;DROP table_name;
UsageUsed to delete records in the tableUsed to delete data and keep the table schema as it isUsed to delete data as well as table structure.
Example:Delete from Employee where salary>25000;Truncate table Employee;Drop table Employee;

With the above mentioned tabular form difference we can easily understand the difference between delete, truncate and drop in SQL