== vs === in JavaScript

In JavaScript for checking equality or comparison we have two operators.

  • == Double equals operator known as loose equality or abstract comparison
  • === Triple equals operator known as strict equality or strict comparison

Now the main difference between two operators is that == does type coercion before comparison but ==== does not convert and compares as it is.

Type coercion:

Type coercion is automatic or implicit conversion of one data type to another. It is similar to type conversion and the only difference is type conversion can be implicit or explicit. But type coercion can only be implicit.

Both comparison operators return Boolean value TRUE or FALSE

== or === Operator

If both are number data type it returns TRUE only when both value matches otherwise FALSE

var a = 10;
var b = '10';
console.log(a == b);
console.log(a === b);



If a string is compared to number, number gets converted to string and then compared

Which comparison operator should I use?

Always use strict comparison operator (===) as it will compare both the operand and data type. Using loose comparison operator (==) will lead to strange results in programming.

For example,

Using == operator
false == 0             // true
false == ""            // true
0 == ""                // true
undefined == null      // true
[] == false            // true
[] == 0                // true

It performs type coercion and returns the result. But originally each one is of different data type 0 is number, false is Boolean type.

false === 0             // false

false === ""            // false

0 === ""                // false

undefined === null      // false

[] === false            // false

[] === 0                // false

Points to note:

  • === does not coercs and just compares the operands as it is and returns the results. So it is always best to use === operator
  • == does implicit coercion and convert from one type to  another implicitly leading to strange results.