What are the different query option in ODATA-URL

The OData URL can be modified to represent the corresponding results. It provides various Filter options

$Filter: It is like the WHERE condition. The below URL in the browser returns the products with the price less than 100.

https://services.OData.org/v3/OData/OData.svc/Products?$filter=Price lt 100    

$Select: It is used to display only the respective columns of the table.


In the above example, it displays only the columns ID and Category.

$Orderby: It is used to sort the results. The below url displays the products with the price in decreasing order.

https://services.OData.org/v3/OData/OData.svc/Products?$orderby=Price desc    

$top :  It displays the initial records of the table.


$skip: The Data records can be skipped through this option.


$expand: It is used to join two tables and display corresponding results.


Multiple query options is possible through the & symbol
