10 Reasons to study Master’s Degree in Germany

Research oriented programs Quality curriculum Industry exposure Financial growth in engineering fields Stable health care system Stable economic system Work life balance Safe and secure Support during Unemployment 18 Months time after completion of course to find job There are more research oppurtunites in Germany for International students. There are more research funding organisation that …

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How to insert record in to SAP ABAP Internal table in five different ways

Lets consider the following table as an example Contact_Id Contact_Name Contact_Address 101 Mike Strasse 11 102 Thiru Strasse 12 103 Mani Street 22 104 Miru Street 23 105 Manoj Street 25 Insert records from a database table in to an Internal table in SAP ABAP Example: SELECT contact_id contact_name contact_address FROM ztt_table1 INTO TABLE lt_internal_table …

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How to remember the syntax of INSERT, APPEND in SAP ABAP

When inserting records in to an Internal table using ‘INSERT’ command, please write explicitly in the query INTO TABLE ‘Internal table’ Example : SELECT contact_id contact_name contact_address FROM ztt_db_table1 INTO TABLE lt_internal_table When inserting record using APPEND, then it is always used with TO ‘Internal_table’ Example: APPEND ls_contact_details TO lt_internal_table When ‘INDEX’ is used to …

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How to declare an internal table in three different ways

DECLARATION OF INTERNAL TABLE OF TYPE (DATABASE TABLE) DATA It_internal_table TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ztt_db_table1. DATA Is_structure LIKE LINE OF It_internal_table. DO’s DATA Is_structure TYPE ztt_db_table1 DON’TS One common mistake observed from beginners: please declare the internal type explicitly like below ‘TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF’. Otherwise it will consider as structure. DATA ls_struct_instead_of_internal_table TYPE ztt_db_table1. …

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Wichtige punkte in Führerschein Prüfung

Tunnel : Auch am Tag immer mit Abblendlicht fahren Tunnelpersonals Folge leisten Im Stau, Warnblinklicht einschalten Feuer : Feueralarm auslösen, Fahrzeug nicht abschließen, Feuer löschen, Warnblinklicht einschalten Nebelscheinwerfer nicht einschalten Nicht wenden Bei Stillstand mit ca. 5m Sicherheitabstand zum vordermann anhalten Sonnenbrille abnehmen Ablenkung durch sehr starke geräusche Ablenkung durch Lichteffekte Notrufausgänge und Notruftelefone Panne …

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Important German Verbs used in User Interface explanation

Today we are going to see about some important german verbs which are frequently used in User Interface explanation. Eingeben ( Geben Sie bitte Ihre Benutzername und Kennwort ein) – Please give your username and password. Drücken ( Drücken Sie auf die Schaltfläche auf den Button ´Anmelden´ ) – Press the button on the ‘Register’ …

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How to fully specify the type of a returning parameter in method

CLASS zcl_it_Tsble_returning DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PUBLIC. PUBLIC SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF structure_local, field1 TYPE string, field2 TYPE i, field3 TYPE float, END OF structure_local. TYPES: tt_table_local TYPE TABLE OF structure_local WITH KEY field2. “ WITH KEY above shows that the local internal table type is fully specified. When it is declared “without ‘WITH KEY’, …

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How to modify internal tables in SAP ABAP

In the following code snippet, you will understand how to modify internal table of type standard with non unique keys. READ TABLE lt_internal_table WITH KEY field1 = field1_value ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_record>) <ls_record>-field2 = `field2_value_modified´ . Now the internal table will be updated with the modified value. So we have here modified the internal table without using …

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