10 Reasons to study Master’s Degree in Germany

  • Research oriented programs
  • Quality curriculum
  • Industry exposure
  • Financial growth in engineering fields
  • Stable health care system
  • Stable economic system
  • Work life balance
  • Safe and secure
  • Support during Unemployment
  • 18 Months time after completion of course to find job

There are more research oppurtunites in Germany for International students. There are more research funding organisation that supports international researchers. Higher education institutions spend close to 18.4 billion euros on research and development. Engineering sciences hold the maximum share from the funding. It is close to 3.9 Billion euros.

There are totally 120 Universities and 200 university of applied sciences in Germany

The accreditation council ensures the quality assurance systems of higher education institutions. It promotes international cooperation in quality assurance. The courses in the institutions also goes through the accreditation process. The economy in Germany is the largest in the Europe. It is considered to be one of largest exporters. They have exported goods worth $1810 Billion globally in 2019.

Germany is one of the countries which handled the Coronavirus very effectively. The Healthcare system in Germany is stable and funded by statutory contributions. It ensures free healthcare for all.

Current engineering fields such as IT, Mechanical, Automation are at top level. There are more Jobs for Software developers, Electronic and Electrical engineers, Health care workers. Germany exports more vehicals, machinery, Chemical goods, electronic products, pharmaceuticals etc.

Germany is known for its Work life balance system. you are allowed to work only 8 hours a day. The Weekends are always holidays. There are also more vacations during the year. You can avail maximum 30 days of leave per year which is very high compared to countries. In addition to that, you will have the possibility to apply for sick leaves. But you must submit a Doctor’s certificate which states that you are not fit enough to work.

Germany is one of the safest countries in the World. The rules and regulations are strictly followed in public places. Most of the public places are covered with cameras. In case of any issues, the Police will reach the spot in less than half an hour. Even the Ambulance services are very fast in Germany. Even Air Ambulance are accessible to everyone, if someone is stuck in Mountains.

The German Government provides huge support during unemployment. They offer free Language courses and other Technical courses to gain employment. If you have paid Pension,social insurance for a certain amount of period, then you will be financially supported during difficult times.

You will be given 18 Months of sufficient time to find a job after your Master studies. It is more compared to other Countries. In case if you wish to extend the time, then you can apply for normal Work visa.

References: The relevant statistics are taken from Wikipedia.org

How to insert record in to SAP ABAP Internal table in five different ways

Lets consider the following table as an example

101MikeStrasse 11
102ThiruStrasse 12
103ManiStreet 22
104MiruStreet 23
105ManojStreet 25
  • Insert records from a database table in to an Internal table in SAP ABAP
    • Example: SELECT contact_id contact_name contact_address FROM ztt_table1 INTO TABLE lt_internal_table

  • Append the contents of a structure(work area) to an Internal table in SAP ABAP


ls_structure-contact_id = 200.

ls_structure-contact_name = ‘Virat kohli’

ls_structure-contact_address = ‘Street 200’.

APPEND ls_structure TO lt_internal_table.

  • APPEND the contents of an internal table1 to an another internal table 2

APPEND LINES OF lt_internal_table1 TO internal_table2

  • Insert the work area contents in to an Internal table

INSERT ls_structure INTO TABLE lt_internal_table1.

  • Insert the work area contents at a particular position in an internal table

INSERT ls_structure INTO lt_internal_table1 INDEX 4.

  • Insert the lines of an internal table 1 in to an internal table 2

INSERT LINES OF lt_internal_table1 INTO TABLE lt_internal_table2.

  • Insert the lines of an internal table 1 at a particular position of an internal table 2

INSERT LINES OF lt_internal_table1 INTO lt_internal_table2 INDEX 3.

  • Inserting records in to an internal table directly using VALUE command

DATA lt_internal_table1 TYPE TABLE OF ztt_table2.

lt_internal_table1 = VALUE #( ( contact_id = 300 contact_name = ‘Rishi’ contact_address = ‘Street 33’ ) ).

How to remember the syntax of INSERT, APPEND in SAP ABAP

  1. When inserting records in to an Internal table using ‘INSERT’ command, please write explicitly in the query INTO TABLE ‘Internal table’
    • Example : SELECT contact_id contact_name contact_address FROM ztt_db_table1 INTO TABLE lt_internal_table
  2. When inserting record using APPEND, then it is always used with TO ‘Internal_table’
    • Example: APPEND ls_contact_details TO lt_internal_table
  3. When ‘INDEX’ is used to insert the record at a particular position of the table, then please don’t mention INTO TABLE.
    • INSERT LINES OF lt_internal_table1 INTO lt_internal_table2 INDEX 2.
  4. Index works only at a position where record exists (n) and at a position which is equal to n+1. Here n is the number of records. As shown in below table, the records exists at the index position 1,2 and 3.
IndexRecord nameWorks ( yes or no )
1Record 1 yes
2Record 2 yes
3Record 3 yes

How to declare an internal table in three different ways


DATA It_internal_table TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ztt_db_table1.

DATA Is_structure LIKE LINE OF It_internal_table.


  • DATA Is_structure TYPE ztt_db_table1


  • One common mistake observed from beginners: please declare the internal type explicitly like below ‘TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF’. Otherwise it will consider as structure.

DATA ls_struct_instead_of_internal_table TYPE ztt_db_table1.

  • DATA Is_structure TYPE lt_internal_table. if it is written like this, it will show compilation error –“Type LT_INTERNAL TABLE’ is unknown”.
  • DATA Is_structure LIKE It_internal_table. Here Is_structure is considered as internal table. It shows error which assigning values to the structure. The compilation error such as ‘Is structure’ is a table without a header line and therefore does not have a component called “FIELD1”, ‘FIELD2′,’FIELD3’. It also shows compilation error in the line ‘INSERT INTO ztt_db_table1 VALUES Is_structure’ saying that internal tables cannot be used as work areas.


Is structure-field1 = 10.

Is structure-field2 = ‘Ten’.

Is structure-fieid3 = ‘Number: 10’.

INSERT INTO ztt_db_table1 VALUES Is_structure.

SELECT * FROM ztt_db_table1 INTO TABLE It_internal_table.

LOOP AT It_internal_table ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<Is_internal_table>).

WRITE:/ <ls_internaltable>-field1.

WRITE:/ <Is_internal_table›-field2.

WRITE:/ <Is_internal_table>-field3.



TYPES: BEGIN OF st_structure,

              Field1 TYPE zdel_id,

              Field2 TYPE zdel_name,

              Field3 TYPE zdel_desc,

           END OF st_structure.

TYPES: tt_internal_table TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF st_structure.

DATA pt_internal_table TYPE tt_internal_table.

DATA ls_local_structure LIKE LINE OF pt_internal_table.


Ls_local_structure-field1 = 20.

Ls_local_structure-field2 = ‘Twenty’.

Ls_local_structure-field3 = ‘Number: 20’.

INSERT INTO ztt_db_table1 VALUES ls_local_structure.

SELECT * FROM ztt_db_table1 INTO TABLE pt_internal_table.

LOOP AT pt_internal_table ASSIGNING <ls_internal_table>.

              WRITE:/ <ls_internal_table>-field1.

              WRITE:/ <ls_internal_table>-field2.

              WRITE:/ <ls_internal_table>-field3.



  • DATA ls_local_structure TYPE st_structure. Instead of using the LIKE LINE OF internal_table. We can directly specify the structure type.


  • St_structure-field1 = 20. Please don’t use variables of ‘TYPES’. We need to explicitly define a variable in order to use it. It shows the compilation error “Field is unknown”. The same applies for the table type, so here ‘SELECT * FROM ztt_db_table1 INTO TABLE tt_internal_table.’

tt_internal_table is just a datatype. We need to explicitly declare a variable of this type, in order to use it.


DATA lt_int_table_of_tt TYPE ztt_table_type.

DATA ls_structure_of_tt TYPE zss_structure.


Ls_structure_of_tt-m_field4 = 30.

Ls_structure_of_tt-m_field5 = 30.

APPEND ls_structure_of_tt TO lt_int_table_of_tt.

LOOP AT lt_int_table_of_tt ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_structure_of_tt>).

              WRITE:/ <ls_structure_of_tt>-m_field4.

              WRITE:/ <ls_structure_of_tt>-m_field5.


How to use Binary search,Move-corresponding in SAP ABAP

How to use Binary search in Read table operation

There are two important points to be considered for Binary search.

  • The table must be sorted using the keys.
  • The order in which the keys are sorted must be similar to the keys mentioned in the Read Table command.

DATA lt_table1 TYPE TABLE OF db1.

DATA ls_structure1 TYPE db1.

SELECT * FROM db1 INTO TABLE lt_table1.

SORT lt_table1 BY field1 field2.

READ TABLE lt_table1 INTO ls_structure1 WITH KEY field1 = iv_value1 field2 = iv_value2 BINARY SEARCH.

Can we use non numeric fields such as character field for Binary search

Non-numeric fields such as character fields can be used in binary search

how to use Move-corresponding in two internal tables

If the target table it_table2 has only few fields compared to source table it_table1. Then please avoid move corresponding to improve the performance.

LOOP AT it_table1 INTO ls_structure1.

              CLEAR ls_structure2.

              MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_structure1 TO ls_structure2

              APPEND ls_structure2 TO it_table2.


For better performance:

LOOP AT it_table1 INTO ls_structure1.

              CLEAR ls_structure2.

              MOVE ls_structure1-field1 TO ls_structure2-field1

              MOVE ls_structure1-field2 TO ls_structure2-field2

              APPEND ls_structure2 TO it_table2.


Why my values are incorrect with MOVE-CORRESPONDING statement.

What can be the common reason in all loops. All remember to use clear at the beginning of the loop, if you are appending the contents to another internal table. The proper sequence is a) clear the structure b) move the fields from one structure to another c) append the structure to internal table

LOOP AT it_table1 INTO ls_structure1.

              CLEAR ls_structure2. 

              MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_structure1 TO ls_structure2.

              APPEND ls_structure2 TO it_table2.


In the above loop, the clear statement is missing. This leads to problem, by using the previous entries in the loop.

Is Move and = assignment in ABAP is same.

Both are similar, there is no performance difference between the two.

How to merge internal table in a structure

TYPES: BEGIN OF st_struct,

              Field1 TYPE i,

              lt_tab_inside TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF db1,

           END OF st_struct.

TYPES: tt_table TYPE TABLE OF st_struct.

DATA pt_table1 TYPE tt_table.

Summary: How to improve the performance of the loop operation

  1. Prefer sorted tables, hashed tables if possible
  2. Use Field-symbols instead of work area
  3. Use binary search after sorting the tables
  4. Use indexes to quickly locate a record
  5. Use joins in the select query to reduce internal table operations
  6. Always avoid nested loops by using the loop at and then read table for checking on second tab
  7. Use Move instead of Move-corresponding

What is the difference between Standard table, Sorted table and Hash table

Definitioncan be Without Primary keycan be Without Primary keyonly With Primary key
AccessIndex, Primary keyIndex, Primary keyPrimary key
IndexDirect accessDirect access
Primary keyPerformance α No of Data recordsPerformance = Log(no of datarecords)Constant

What is the syntax of Standard table, sorted table and hashed table

Standard table : DATA lt_standard TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF db1 WITH UNIQUE KEY field1 field2

Sorted table: DATA lt_sorted TYPE SORTED TABLE OF db1 WITH UNIQUE KEY field1 field2

Hashed table: DATA lt_hashed TYPE HASHED TABLE OF db1 WITH UNIQUE KEY field1 field2

In the upcoming posts, we will discuss each point in detail. Please feel free to write us for any comments or queries.

Wichtige punkte in Führerschein Prüfung

Tunnel :

  1. Auch am Tag immer mit Abblendlicht fahren
  2. Tunnelpersonals Folge leisten
  3. Im Stau, Warnblinklicht einschalten
  4. Feuer : Feueralarm auslösen, Fahrzeug nicht abschließen, Feuer löschen, Warnblinklicht einschalten
  5. Nebelscheinwerfer nicht einschalten
  6. Nicht wenden
  7. Bei Stillstand mit ca. 5m Sicherheitabstand zum vordermann anhalten
  8. Sonnenbrille abnehmen
  9. Ablenkung durch sehr starke geräusche
  10. Ablenkung durch Lichteffekte
  11. Notrufausgänge und Notruftelefone
  12. Panne : Warnblinklicht einschalten, Pannenbucht abstellen


Wie weit können Sie parken oder halten

  1. Parken + Vor dem Andreaskreuz ( Innerorts) = 5m
  2. Parken + Vor dem Andreaskreuz ( Außerorts) = 50m
  3. kraftfahrzeug+ colonne + 50 km/h => 3 Pkw länge circa 15m Abstand halten
  4. vor dem Füßgangerüberweg + (Halten oder Parken) = 5m
  5. Vor dem und Hinter dem Haltestelle Schild + Parken = 15 m
  6. Sicherheitsabstand + Füßgänger oder Radfahrer + innerorts = 1.5m
  7. Sicherheitsabstand + Füßgänger oder Radfahrer + Außerorts = 2m
  8. überholen + Mindestens zwischen zwei Kraftfahrzeug + Einordnen = 7m
  9. rechten Fahrbahnrand + zwischen Ihrem Fahrzeug und Fahrstreifen begrenzungs linie = 3m

Wie schneller können Sie fahren?

  1. Pkw oder LKW+ Außerhalb geschlossener Ortschaften = 100 Km/h
  2. Pkw oder LKW + Anhänger + Außerhalb geschlossener Ortschaften = 80 Km/h
  3. Gefahrbremsung unvermeidbar + Zum vor Ihnen Kind = 50 Km/h
  4. Pkw+ Innerhalb geschlossener Ortschaften = 50 Km/h
  5. Kraftfahrzeug + Schneeketten = 50 Km/h
  6. Autobahn + Nebel = 50 Km/h
  7. Richtgeschwindigkeit für Pkw, Motorräder auf Autobahn = 130 Km/h

Wie lange können Sie halten

Bushaltestelle = 3 Minuten

Halten Verboten

  1. Einmündungen
  2. Kreuzungen
  3. Bahnübergänge
  4. Füßgängerüberweg

Halten nicht verboten

  1. Gründstück
  2. Bushaltestelle mit Zick zack linie


Rot-weiße = Anhänger + auf der Fahrbahn abgestellt , Fahrzeug mit überbreite

Orange = Gefahrgut Transport

Important German Verbs used in User Interface explanation

Today we are going to see about some important german verbs which are frequently used in User Interface explanation.

  1. Eingeben ( Geben Sie bitte Ihre Benutzername und Kennwort ein) – Please give your username and password.
  2. Drücken ( Drücken Sie auf die Schaltfläche auf den Button ´Anmelden´ ) – Press the button on the ‘Register’ button.
  3. Öffnen / Aufmachen ( Ich mache das Fenster auf ) – I open the window.
  4. Zumachen / abschließen ( Ich mache das Fenster zu) – I close the window.
  5. Aufklappen ( Die XXX aufklappen ) – Unfold the XXX.
  6. Ausblenden ( Diese Spalte bitte ausblenden ) – Please hide this column.
  7. Einblenden ( Ich blende die Spalte ein ) – I show the column.
  8. Auskommentieren ( Ich habe die Methode auskommentiert ) – I commented out the method.
  9. Kommentieren ( Ich habe die ganze Klasse kommentiert ) – I have commented the whole class.
  10. Löschen ( Ich lösche die alle eintrage ) – I delete all entries.
  11. Schieben ( Ich schiebe das Fenster ganz unten ) – I slide the window all the way down.
  12. Übergeben ( Die folgende Parameter würden übergegeben ) – The following parameters would be passed.
  13. Reinpacken ( Ich packe die alle Objekte in die Packet rein ) – I put all the objects in the package.
  14. Erweitern ( Ich habe die Oberklasse geerbt und dann die entsprechende Unter Klasse erweitert ) – I inherited the upper class and then expanded the corresponding sub class.
  15. Anpassen ( Ich passe die Spalte breite an, dass die Dialogkasten sieht gut aus ) – I adjust the column width so that the dialog box looks good.
  16. Entfernen ( Bitte die alle Zeile hier entfernen ) – Please remove all lines here.
  17. Auftauchen ( Wenn Sie mehr als dreimal mit der falsche Angaben versucht, dann taucht eine Warnung Meldung auf ) – If you tried more than three times with the wrong information, then a warning message pops up.
  18. Auftritten ( An diesem Methodenaufruf wird den Fehler aufgetritten ) – The error occurred at this method call.
  19. Klicken ( Klicken Sie bitte auf den Button ´Anzeigen´, Klicken Sie bitte die Schaltfläche an ) – Please click on the button ´Show´, please click on the button .

How to fully specify the type of a returning parameter in method

CLASS zcl_it_Tsble_returning DEFINITION





TYPES: BEGIN OF structure_local,

field1 TYPE string,

field2 TYPE i,

field3 TYPE float,

END OF structure_local.

TYPES: tt_table_local TYPE TABLE OF structure_local WITH KEY field2.

“ WITH KEY above shows that the local internal table type is fully specified. When it is declared

“without ‘WITH KEY’, then it is not fully specified we will recieve an error while checking the syntax.

DATA pt_Table_local TYPE tt_table_local.

METHODS export_local_table


VALUE(rt_table_local) TYPE tt_table_local.




CLASS zcl_it_table_returning IMPLEMENTATION.

METHOD export_local_table.

rt_table_local = VALUE #( ( field1 = ´ Hundred´ field2 = 100 field3 = ´100.00´ )

(field1 = ´fifty´ field2 = 50 field3 = ´50.00´ ) ).



How to modify internal tables in SAP ABAP

In the following code snippet, you will understand how to modify internal table of type standard with non unique keys.

READ TABLE lt_internal_table WITH KEY field1 = field1_value ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_record>)

<ls_record>-field2 = `field2_value_modified´ .

Now the internal table will be updated with the modified value. So we have here modified the internal table without using modify statement.

Important German prepositions in User Interface

German Prepositions

Important prepositions:

Now let us see some prepositions in German which we use often in technical conversation

  1. Auf ( Klicke auf den Button ´Anzeigen´) – On (click on the button ´Show´).
  2. Ins (Gebe ins Feld ´Name´ etwas ein) – In (enter something in the ‘Name’ field).
  3. Im (Im Anhang sende ich Ihnen das Bild) – In (I am sending you the picture in the attachment).
  4. An ( Drei modelle hängen an dem objekt)) – To (Three models are attached to the object).