Configuration issues while building a Mobile Application using Kivy Framework

In this tutorial , we will see in detail about the common issues faced during the deployment of mobile applications using Kivy framework.Below are the pre requisites are required for running a mobile application.

Pre Requisties
1 – Python Intrepreter
2 – Kivy Framework
3 – Buildozer

1 – Python Interpreter

Python Interpreter helps to run the python programs.

1.1 Python version

To identify the version type python or python3 in the terminal window.  Here we have python 3.8 version installed in the system.

1.2 Python Interpreter path 

Below are the commands to be run on the terminal window to identify the directory path of python.exe

>>> import os

>>> import sys

>>> os.path.dirname(sys.executable)

1.3 Installing modules in Pycharm

Below are the steps to install module/package in pycharm.

   i) Go to Preferences and select “+” to install the package.

ii) Search the package/module to be installed and choose Install package option to complete installation.

1.4 Setting Python environment Variables

  Go to Control Panel -> System -> Advanced and select “System Variables”

  Select Environment Variables and find path and click on it

Click Edit and add the python.exe location path to set the python path.

This can also be done using SET PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%’path location of python.exe’

2 – Kivy Framework

     Kivy is an application framework to develop mobile applications using python.

This can be added as a module into Pycharm using install package option under Preferences.

2.1 Identify Kivy version installed to fix compatibility issues

3 – Buildozer :- Building Android mobile applications

After developing an application program using Kivy framework, to deploy the same into a mobile environment a build software is required. Buildozer helps in deploying the application program into .apk and run in Android OS.

3.1 Installing buildozer

Run the command pip install buildozer.

3.2 Creating Buildozer.spec file for building your application

Run the command buildozer init

3.3 Building application program to .apk file

Run the command buildozer -v android debug

Configuration Issues faced while building an application using BUILDOZER

Below are the issues faced in buildozer -v android debug

S.NoIssues Mitigation Steps
1Errors in accessing local SSL certificate1) Go to the python installed path and select Install Certificates.command file.

2) Double click and run the file.
2Android NDK installationVerify if the Android NDK successfully installed inside you buildozer path
3Android SDK InstallationVerify if the Android SDK successfully installed inside you buildozer path
Android SDK not installed

a) Follow below steps to install android SDK
cd ~/.buildozer/android/platform/android-sdk && \curl -L -O -C –
5Issues in identifying the path of Android SDKb) copy and paste pwd output to buildozer.spec line (no quotes needed):
android.sdk_path = PWD_OUTPUT
6If the build is not successful still due to compatibility issuesRe-install the buildozer 
pip install –user buildozer

# latest dev version
# if you use a virtual environment, don’t use the `–user` option
pip install –user

# git clone, for working on buildozer git clone
cd buildozer
python build
pip install -e.