numpy.ndarray.flatten() in Python:

Numpy flatten() converts a multi dimensional array into ‘flattened’ one dimensional array. It returns a copy of the array in one dimension. Now let us see about numpy.ndarray.flatten().



ndarray.flatten(order = ‘C’)


  • order: The order in which items from numpy array wil be used.
  • ‘C’ – read items row wise i.e, using row major order
  • ‘F’ – read items column wise i.e, column major order
  • ‘K’ – read items in the order that occur in the memory
  • ‘A’ – read items column wise only when the array is Fortran contiguous in memory.
  • The default is ‘C’


A copy of input array, flattened  to 1D array.


Flatten an array by row:
import numpy as np 

a = np.array([[1,2,4], [3,5,7],[4,6,8]]) 


print('Flattened array by row:\n', b)
Flatten an array by column:
import numpy as np 

a = np.array([[1,2,4], [3,5,7],[4,6,8]]) 


print('Flattened array by column:\n', b)

ndarray.flatten() returns the copy of the original array any changes made in flattened array will not be reflected in original array.

a = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])

flat_array = a.flatten()

flat_array[2] = 10

print('Flattened 1D Numpy Array:')


print('Original Numpy Array')


If you look the above code when we change the array value of index 2 as 10 i.e flat_array[2] = 10, it won’t affect the original array only the copy is changed.

To know more about numpy click here!