How Data and Analytics Are Driving Digital Business?

In this article, we will discuss how data and analytics are impacting business and in our day-to-day lives and how important in digital businesses and their applications in the real world.

In the past, organizations would use analytic applications mainly for enterprise data reporting. However, more and more organizations are now using data and analytics as raw materials for enterprise-level decision making. The following flowcharts illustrate this point:

Analytics allows for informed decisions.

The Current Al Wave Is Poised to Finally Break Through.

Al is becoming fast a core business and analytical competency. Al and ML technologies are providing rapidly improved decision making and process optimization capabilities to organizations.

By doing so, these technologies promise to:

  • Transform business processes.
  • Reconfigure workforces.
  • Optimize infrastructure behavior.
  • Blend industries.

Natural Language Technologies Become Mainstream.

One of the key aspects of Al-driven systems is their ability to process natural language, which is human
speech and text. Natural language is beginning to play a dual role in many organizations.

Examples of Natural Language Processing (NLP):

  • Machine Translation: Google translate services.
  • Customer Service: NLP is being used in customer service contact centers to understand customer intent, pain-points, and to provide enhanced customer satisfaction.

Examples of Natural Language Generation:

  • Generating automated product descriptions from inventory data.
  • Creating individual financial portfolio summaries and updates at scale.
  • Business intelligence performance dashboard text explanations
  • Automated personalized customer communications.

Augmented analytics draws on ML, AI, and natural language generation technologies to:

Applications in real world:

The combination of emerging technologies such as AI, ML, and cloud are often marketed using the following:
• Cognitive Cloud
• Al as a Service
• Intelligent Cloud

A major telecom company wants to enhance its contact center operations by understanding its customers better through their customer care calls, feedback survey responses, and social media interactions. Which Al and analytics application
areas will be useful? In the given scenario, speech recognition and Natural Language processing will help the business enhance its contact center operations.

Google Maps analyzes the speed of traffic through anonymous data locations from smartphones. This enables Google to suggest the fastest routes. Which technology enables Google to do this? AI and ML! Smart machines and applications are steadily becoming a daily Cloud Computing phenomenon, helping us make faster and accurate decisions.
Google Maps uses Al and ML to analyze the speed of traffic Al and ML and suggest the fastest routes.

The Winning Strategy.

What will it take to win in the new digital era? Winning strategy for future growth addressed by the following key business drivers:

Reset the rules of business.

Strategy and Innovation:

  • Accelerate innovation.
  • Redefine industry operating models.
  • Drive growth while reducing risk.
  • Enable Change adoption.

Focus on human needs.

Interactive Experiences:

  • Combine the best of human science, design thinking, user experience, and technology to provide new end-to-end services for marketers.
  • Deliver on the promise of social and brand.
  • Build Omnichannel success.

Make intelligent choices.

AI & Analytics:

  • Build intelligence-based businesses.
  • Make data an asset, not a liability.
  • Apply Analytics and Al platforms to fuel growth.

Enable the internet of things.

Connected Products:

  • Instrument and connect everything.
  • Rapid prototyping and product development.
  • Grow revenue from data-driven services.

Build software for the digital economy.

Software Engineering:

  • Embed human-insight and design into engineering.
  • New tech for new value: Cloud Foundry stack services, micro-services, APIs, engaging interfaces, etc.
  • Application portfolio optimization.

This is how organisations leverage its Al and analytics capability to help its clients stay ahead of the competition.

Industry Aligned Solutions.

Every organization will have pre-built solutions to address the needs of the vertical markets. For example,
Google’s Product Data Management solution, which uses Product Intelligence as a service offering,
caters to the needs of the Consumer Goods and Retail verticals. These pre-built solutions are easy to
customize and can be deployed quickly.

Some of the vertical markets:

  • Banking.
  • Insurance.
  • Life Sciences.
  • Healthcare.
  • Manufacturing & Logistics.
  • Comm & IME & Tech.
  • Energy & Utilities.
  • Consumer Goods & Retail.
  • Travel & Hospitality.

Case Study: Opioid addiction and early detection of drug-seeking behavior.


A healthcare firm approached Google for a solution to reduce the number of deaths due to drug misuse.


Google developed an Al solution that could seamlessly scan through a physician’s prescription notes and mine for indicators of drug-seeking behavior.


Google’s solution helped the healthcare firm save more than $60M by identifying around 85000 drug seekers before they turned into addicts.


So far, we have discussed six strategic offerings include:

  • Insight to Al.
  • Adaptive Data Foundation.
  • Risk and Fraud Intelligence.
  • Customer 360-degree Intelligence.
  • Business Operations Intelligence.
  • Product Intelligence.
  • Organizations will have pre-built solutions to address the needs of vertical markets.

Overview of Analytics- Industry Level!

In this article, we will discourse on organizational level Analytics, Data Science, and its use cases in the corporate world, Machine Learning and its types and use cases, Deep Learning and how does it work.

What is Analytics

Analytics is the study of data, collected from various sources, to gain insights into a problem.

Types of Analytics

What is Data Science?

Data science uses a mix of tools, robust programming instructions, and principles of machine
learning to process large amounts of unstructured and semi-structured data, to:

  • Identify Patterns from the Collected Data Sets.
  • Identify the Occurrence of a Particular Event in the Future.
Identify Patterns from the Collected Data Sets. Identify Occurrence of a Particular Event in Future.

Data Science Use Cases.

Let us look at a few examples of how data science is providing valuable insights to organizations.

What Is Machine Learning?

Machine learning (ML) takes off from where data science ends. While data science relies completely
on programming instructions to detect patterns, ML is adaptive in nature. It gives computer systems
the ability to learn and make predictions by processing data and experiences.

Types of Analytics Used by Machine Learning

ML mainly uses predictive analytics.

Given here are a few key features of predictive analytics.

Machine Learning Use Cases

Let us look at a few examples of how ML algorithms are using insights provided by data science to
make predictions.

What Is Deep Learning?

Deep learning is an advanced form of ML. It processes a huge amount of data, collected from a wider
range of data sources, and requires very fewer data preprocessing by humans.

Difference between Deep Learning and Machine Learning

How Does Deep Learning Work?

Deep learning uses interconnected layers of software-based calculators, known as “neurons.”
Together, the “neurons” form a neural network, which can ingest a vast amount of data and processes
them through multiple layers. Each layer learns something about the complex features of the data.
Finally, the network makes a determination about that data, assesses whether the determination is correct,
and applies what it has learned to make determinations about new data.

For example, once a neural network learns what an object looks like, it can identify that object in a new image.

In this article, you have learned that:

  • Analytics is the study of data, collected from various sources, to gain insights into a problem.
  • Data Science gives organizations insights into business problems by processing semi-structured and unstructured data.
  • ML algorithms use insights provided by data science to make predictions about future events.