3 Best Frontend Frameworks in 2023

What is a Frontend Framework?

Frontend Frameworks are pre-prepared JavaScript libraries with CSS and Bootstrap components that is used in development of web applications. It is a development platform for your front end. It has methods for building files, associating data with DOM elements, styling components and AJAX requests.

Frontend Framework include specific tools.

  • A grid which makes it easy to achieve the design features for your site.
  • Well-defined font styles.
  • Pre-built site components like buttons, navigation bars and side panels.

Now let us jump into the best frontend frameworks.

1.React framework:

React is a most popular frontend JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is component-based and employs MVC architecture, with different table of presentation and data availability using JSX syntax. Facebook (Meta) developed and introduced in 2011. It became opensource library in 2013. Frontend specialists choose it to build large-scale web applications that use various data.

Key features:

Virtual DOM with one-way data binding.

User friendliness and comfortable learning makes it a good choice for beginners.

It is a right choice for interactive interface as React components are reusable.


Since React is not fully a framework, some essential features are not preserved and you need to rely on additional libraries like redux for complex applications.

Not suitable for developers who are not ready to work in JavaScript

React used by:

Netflix, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Walmart, eBay, LinkedIn etc.,

2. Angular framework:

Angular is a framework built with Typescript developed by Google. It is component-based framework for developing scalable web applications. Angular allows you to scale single-page web applications to enterprise level web applications.

Key features:

It is a full-scale framework.

Directives and dependencies injection functions.

Reduces time because important features such as two-way data binding are provided by default.


It is extremely difficult to learn.

Limited SEO capabilities

Angular used by:

Forbes, Xbox, Deutsche Bank, Santander, UPS, BMW etc.,

3. Vue.js framework

Vue is a modern, progressive MVVM framework that takes advantage of incremental adoption. It solves presentation layer problems and simplifies working with libraries.

Key features:





Fast development


Lack of plugins and language barriers

Relatively new and developed by private individuals

Limited community

Limited applicability for more extensive complex projects.

Vue.js used by:

Trivago, Gitlab, Grammarly, Adobe, Alibaba, Nintendo etc.,

Points to remember:

For complex projects – Angular

Smaller projects or prototype – Vue.js

For flexibility – React