5 Popular German Idioms Featuring Schwein 🐷

1.Schwein haben – to get lucky

Gestern hatten wir wirklich Schwein , beinahe hätten wir Unfall gehabt.

We got lucky yesterday. We almost had an accident.

2. Ich glaub mein Schwein pfeift. – Blow me down / Be suprised or shocked about what has been said.

3. Kein Schwein – No one / Nobody

Kein Schwein war da. – No one was there. Literally translates as No pig was there.

4. Wir haben zusammen noch keine Schweine gehütet. – Literally translates as We have not kept pigs together yet. Meaning You don’t know someone well enough to trust them

5. Den inneren Schweinehund überwinden. – Overcome your inner pig-dog

Meaning: If you overcome your inner pig-dogs, you manage to complete a difficult task.

If you are interested in other popular idioms in German please click the link below:

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