10 German Phrases most used in office

The following phrases will help you get on well in a German working environment.

1.Freut mich, Sie kennen zu lernen, Herr Ruland.

Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Ruland.

2.Können Sie mir bitte eine Mail schreiben?

Can you write me a E-mail?

3.Erklären Sie mir das bitte mal!

Please explain that to me!

4.Da haben wir noch Potenzial.

We can still work with that

5.Ich setze das mal auf meine To-Do Liste.

I will put that on my to-do list.

6.Da warte ich noch auf Feedback.

I am still waiting for Feedback.

7.Schönen Feierabend!

Have a nice evening!

8.Ich bin ein Teamplayer!

I am a teamplayer!

9.Ich kann dir das mal forwarden.

I can forward that to you.

10.Wir freuen uns auf die Zusammenarbeit mit Ihnen.

We look forward to work with you.

8 Weird German Words you will be amazed of!

German has its own strange and weird words and phrases. Let’s see some of those interesting weird german words.

1.Ohrwurm – ear worm

This word describes the fact of being stuck with a song on our head.

Ohrwurm – catchy song.

2.Fernweh – distance pain

This describes a situation where you want to be in a distance place than you are right now.

Fernweh – wanderlust

3.Kopfkino – head cinema

Describes a situation where you are literally playing out a scene in your mind.

Kopfkino – imagination

Ein guter Schriftsteller regt das Kopfkino seines Lesers an.

4.Zungenbrecher – tongue breaker

Describes sequence of words or phrases very hard to pronounce for native speakers.

Zungenbrecher – tongue twister.

5.Weichei – soft egg

Describes someone who is coward or weak- minded. It is also called as Würstchen.

Weichei – coward or weak-minded person

6. Fremdschämen – Exterior shame.

Describes a situation when you feel uncomfortable or awkward, because another person has created an embrassing situation.

Fremdschämen -cringe

7.Lebensmüde – life tierd

Situation where someone does something stupid and life threatening.

lebensmüde – suicide

8.Kuddlemuddle -???

Describes an unstructured mess or chaos.

Kuddlemuddle -messy.

3 Way to say people in German

The 3 main words in German language for the word ‘people’ is

1. Leute

Informal term for people. This is the word that exists only in plural.

die Leute

Viele Leute warten auf den Bus.

2. Menschen

Formal term for people. This words refers to ‘human beings’.

der Mensch / die Menschen

Sie hat wenig Geduld mit unhöflichen Menschen.

3. Volk

This is not used quite often and its rather rare. Sometimes refers to nation.

das Volk / die Völker

Dem Deutschen Volke ( -e ending is exception same way as zu Hause)

alle Völker der Welt

When addressing a nationality like german people or american people we won’t use Leute or Menschen.

die Deutschen or das Deutsche Volk

die Amerikaner

Sometimes ‘man’ which literally means they, one, you is used in terms of people.

man sagt, dass…

5 Popular German Idioms Featuring Schwein 🐷

1.Schwein haben – to get lucky

Gestern hatten wir wirklich Schwein , beinahe hätten wir Unfall gehabt.

We got lucky yesterday. We almost had an accident.

2. Ich glaub mein Schwein pfeift. – Blow me down / Be suprised or shocked about what has been said.

3. Kein Schwein – No one / Nobody

Kein Schwein war da. – No one was there. Literally translates as No pig was there.

4. Wir haben zusammen noch keine Schweine gehütet. – Literally translates as We have not kept pigs together yet. Meaning You don’t know someone well enough to trust them

5. Den inneren Schweinehund überwinden. – Overcome your inner pig-dog

Meaning: If you overcome your inner pig-dogs, you manage to complete a difficult task.

If you are interested in other popular idioms in German please click the link below:

8 German Expressions you must know

What is the difference? – reden vs sprechen vs erzählen vs sagen

  1. reden – to talk

Ich muss mit meinem Lehrer reden, ich habe eine Frage.

I need to talk with my teacher, I have a question.

2. sprechen – to speak

Ich spreche Französisch und Englisch.

I speak French and English

3. erzählen – to narrate / to tell

Meine Mutter erzählte mir immer eine Gutenacht geschichte.

My mother always narrated me bedtime stories.

4. sagen – to say.

Ich sagte auf wiedersehen und verließ das Geschäft.

I said goodbye and left the shop.