Which countries speak German?

Honestly before learning this wonderful language, I was not aware that German is spoken in this many countries. Germany is not the only country where German is spoken. German is third learned popular language in USA. Officially around 130 million people speak German as their mother tongue.

As official Language

German is an official language in the following countries

1. Germany
2. Austria
3. Switzerland
4. Belgium
5. Luxembourg
6. Liechtenstein

In addition, German has a official status and is recognised as a minority language in

  • Italy
  • Hungary
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Poland
  • Russia
  • Romania
  • Slovakia
  • Vatican city

Around 16% of European population speak German.

How to write proper Salutations in German

Anrede in die Email :

The salutations in Emails is the first thing the recipients read and it should be correct to make a best impression. In German we have some basic salutations which differs based on whether it is formal or informal.

In formal context when we are addressing a male we use

Sehr geehrter Herr. XXX,

In formal context when we are addressing a female we use

Sehr geehrte Frau. XXX,

In formal context when we don’t know who they are,

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

In informal context when we are addressing a male we use

Lieber Herr. XXX, / Lieber XXX

In informal context when we are addressing a female we use

Liebe Frau. XXX, / Liebe XXX

When adressing more than one person,

Liebe Tom und Harry,

Basic phrases useful in Emails :

  1. Anbei die Datei – Attached the file
  2. Im Anhang sende ich Ihnen ein Bild (das Bild)- Akku. – I am sending you a picture in attachment.
  3. Im Anhang dieser E-Mail finden Sie die Bestätigung (die E-Mail-Dativ, die Bestätigung- Akku) – You will find the confirmation in the attachment to this e-mail.

Ending Variations:

  1. Ich freue mich auf deine / ihre Antwort. – I look forward to your / her answer.
  2. Ich freue mich auf unser Gespräch. – I’m looking forward to our conversation.
  3. Ich freue mich auf unser Termin. – I’m looking forward to our meeting.
  4. Viele Grüße / Liebe Grüße / Herzliche Grüße – Informal
  5. Mit freundlichen Grüßen – Formal

How to speak in German during Team Meeting

  1. Kannst du mich hören? – Can you hear me?
  2. Du bist gemutet. – You are muted.
  3. Entschuldigung. Ich war gemutet. – Sorry, I was muted.
  4. Gerade habe ich MS Verbindung Problem. Mein MS Teams hängt gerade. – Now I have MS connection problem. My MS teams is hanged now.
  5. Ich höre dich / Sie. – I can hear you.
  6. Hörst du uns? – Can you hear us?
  7. Sieht Ihr meinen Bildschrim? – Do you see my screen?
  8. Ich teile meinen Bildschrim. – I share my screen.
  9. Kannst du mir zeigen? – Can you show me?
  10. Kannst du deinen Bildschrim teilen? – Can you share your screen?
  11. So, habe ich / haben wir das Implementiert. – So, I / we have implemented this.
  12. Ich werde das Implementieren und dann melde ich mich. – I will implement it and then I will get in touch.
  13. Ich schreibe das in mein Heft / Ich schreibe mir Notizen in mein Heft. – I write this in my notebook / I write notes in my notebook.
  14. Habt Ihr noch Fragen? – Do you still have any questions?
  15. Das Person hat sich schon gemeldet. – The person has already contacted you.
  16. Hat sich der Person gemeldet. – Has the person contacted.
  17. Ich würde mich ausklinken. – I would disengage.

Planung Termin (Online) :

  1. Wie lange brauchst du? – How long do you need?
  2. Kannst du schätzen, wie lange du / ihr brauchst / braucht? – Can you estimate how long do you need?