TeKaMoLo- German Sentence Structure

TeKaMoLo is the most important and basic theory or rule one needs to understand for better and meaningful sentence formation in German.

TeKaMoLo answers the following questions.

Wann ist es passiert? ( When did it happen?) – Temporal

Warum ist es passiert? (Why did it happen?) – Kausal

Wie ist es passiert? (How did it happen?) – Modal

Wo ist es passiert? (Where did it happen?) – Lokal

Now let us see this with an example

Ich lerne am Wochenende wegen meiner Prüfung sehr intensiv in der Bibliothek.

Temporal – Wann? – am Wochenende

Kausal – Warum? – wegen meiner Prüfung

Modal – Wie? – sehr intensiv

Lokal – Wo? – in der Bibliothek

This simple rule helps us in better building the long and complex sentences in german correctly.