XML vs HTML sitemap

XML sitemapHTML sitemap
XML sitemaps are for search enginesHTML sitemaps are for humans
A structured text file containing URLs of pages of a website for web crawlersWebpage containing links facilitating user navigation on a website
Never displayed to usersDisplayed in webbrowser
Read by webcrawlers onlyVisited by users and web crawlers
Used for faster page indexing and avoiding content duplicationUsed for better website navigation, interlinking opportunities and improved crawling

Google prefers XML sitemaps

What is a Sitemap?

If you are like me trying to understand the errors in google search console, you would have seen the word sitemap. In todays post we will see about sitemap. Why we need them? Benefits etc.,

Sitemap is like a guide with hierarchical diagram that allows you to visualize the structure of a website. It is a file that provides information about pages, videos and other files on our website and relationship between them .

It is a list of pages of a website within a domain. Sitemap is important part of SEO. It helps google discover pages faster and more efficiently.

Why Sitemap?

Sitemap is important for understanding your website structure and helps search engines like google to navigate faster. Its like a blueprint of your website. Its essential for SEO ranking. Organizing website. First step in creating a new or updated website. Helps in fixing poor internal linking. Gives a better view of our website to search engines. Acts as a reference point.

Sitemap is beneficial when?

Website is

  • Big
  • New
  • Lesser backlinks
  • bad interlinking strategy.
Sitemaps are useful to
  • Show navigation structure
  • Identify top-level unique page types
  • Relationship between different pages.
Sitemaps are not for
  • Indicating website design
  • Identify user paths
  • list all website content

Difference between page and post in wordpress

Two options to publish contents in wordpress are

  • Post
  • Page

Combining these two is making wordpress more powerful in building websites.


WordPress is mainly used for blogging and a post is a single blog entry. Posts are based on timestamp that means its always associated with a month and year. It is always in reverse chronological order. Posts are dynamic.


Pages are timeless and static. It includes only static information example about me or contact us page.

Post vs Page:

reverse chronological orderchronological order
Posts can be categorizedpages are hierarchical
Have custom format optionDo not have custom format option
RSS feed supportedDo not have RSS feeds
Allows comments and feedbacksDo not allow comments and feedbacks

How to write a Cover Letter in Germany for Job application

  • It should not be more than one page.
  • The content should occupy only 75% of the page.
  • It can be divided in to 3 or 4 paragraphs.
  • If you know the contact person in HR Department for the corresponding position, in which you are applying, then address it directly with Sehr geehrter Herr. or Sehr geehrte Frau. If you don’t know the corresponding person, then address it with Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren.
  • Include the Job Location and Date at the beginning and also your full name with address and contact details.
  • Mention the Job Title as the subject title of the Cover Letter.
  • The first two lines of the Cover Letter is very critical to get your Job application noticed. So make sure you highlight your experience or your skills which fits for the Job. It is very important that those two lines should ensure that your Job application must stand out from others. It must refer to the required skills sets of the Job.
  • Please follow a chronological order in your Cover Letter. For example, mention your current working experience or your current studies.
  • The first paragraph must convey to the employer that you are very much interested in the Job. It must be justified with the reason.
  • You should never mention that the organisation is the reason to apply for the Job. Instead it should be the Job position and its requirements.
  • The points mentioned in the Cover Letter must not be repeated in the Curriculum vitae or Resume.
  • Please don’t forget to conclude that you are looking forward for a personal interview.
  • Please sign your cover letter and mention your full name below the signature. Include also the Date and Place.
  • The skills, experience, Qualification must match atleast 50% to the Job requirements.

10 Reasons to study Master’s Degree in Germany

  • Research oriented programs
  • Quality curriculum
  • Industry exposure
  • Financial growth in engineering fields
  • Stable health care system
  • Stable economic system
  • Work life balance
  • Safe and secure
  • Support during Unemployment
  • 18 Months time after completion of course to find job

There are more research oppurtunites in Germany for International students. There are more research funding organisation that supports international researchers. Higher education institutions spend close to 18.4 billion euros on research and development. Engineering sciences hold the maximum share from the funding. It is close to 3.9 Billion euros.

There are totally 120 Universities and 200 university of applied sciences in Germany

The accreditation council ensures the quality assurance systems of higher education institutions. It promotes international cooperation in quality assurance. The courses in the institutions also goes through the accreditation process. The economy in Germany is the largest in the Europe. It is considered to be one of largest exporters. They have exported goods worth $1810 Billion globally in 2019.

Germany is one of the countries which handled the Coronavirus very effectively. The Healthcare system in Germany is stable and funded by statutory contributions. It ensures free healthcare for all.

Current engineering fields such as IT, Mechanical, Automation are at top level. There are more Jobs for Software developers, Electronic and Electrical engineers, Health care workers. Germany exports more vehicals, machinery, Chemical goods, electronic products, pharmaceuticals etc.

Germany is known for its Work life balance system. you are allowed to work only 8 hours a day. The Weekends are always holidays. There are also more vacations during the year. You can avail maximum 30 days of leave per year which is very high compared to countries. In addition to that, you will have the possibility to apply for sick leaves. But you must submit a Doctor’s certificate which states that you are not fit enough to work.

Germany is one of the safest countries in the World. The rules and regulations are strictly followed in public places. Most of the public places are covered with cameras. In case of any issues, the Police will reach the spot in less than half an hour. Even the Ambulance services are very fast in Germany. Even Air Ambulance are accessible to everyone, if someone is stuck in Mountains.

The German Government provides huge support during unemployment. They offer free Language courses and other Technical courses to gain employment. If you have paid Pension,social insurance for a certain amount of period, then you will be financially supported during difficult times.

You will be given 18 Months of sufficient time to find a job after your Master studies. It is more compared to other Countries. In case if you wish to extend the time, then you can apply for normal Work visa.

References: The relevant statistics are taken from Wikipedia.org

Wichtige punkte in Führerschein Prüfung

Tunnel :

  1. Auch am Tag immer mit Abblendlicht fahren
  2. Tunnelpersonals Folge leisten
  3. Im Stau, Warnblinklicht einschalten
  4. Feuer : Feueralarm auslösen, Fahrzeug nicht abschließen, Feuer löschen, Warnblinklicht einschalten
  5. Nebelscheinwerfer nicht einschalten
  6. Nicht wenden
  7. Bei Stillstand mit ca. 5m Sicherheitabstand zum vordermann anhalten
  8. Sonnenbrille abnehmen
  9. Ablenkung durch sehr starke geräusche
  10. Ablenkung durch Lichteffekte
  11. Notrufausgänge und Notruftelefone
  12. Panne : Warnblinklicht einschalten, Pannenbucht abstellen


Wie weit können Sie parken oder halten

  1. Parken + Vor dem Andreaskreuz ( Innerorts) = 5m
  2. Parken + Vor dem Andreaskreuz ( Außerorts) = 50m
  3. kraftfahrzeug+ colonne + 50 km/h => 3 Pkw länge circa 15m Abstand halten
  4. vor dem Füßgangerüberweg + (Halten oder Parken) = 5m
  5. Vor dem und Hinter dem Haltestelle Schild + Parken = 15 m
  6. Sicherheitsabstand + Füßgänger oder Radfahrer + innerorts = 1.5m
  7. Sicherheitsabstand + Füßgänger oder Radfahrer + Außerorts = 2m
  8. überholen + Mindestens zwischen zwei Kraftfahrzeug + Einordnen = 7m
  9. rechten Fahrbahnrand + zwischen Ihrem Fahrzeug und Fahrstreifen begrenzungs linie = 3m

Wie schneller können Sie fahren?

  1. Pkw oder LKW+ Außerhalb geschlossener Ortschaften = 100 Km/h
  2. Pkw oder LKW + Anhänger + Außerhalb geschlossener Ortschaften = 80 Km/h
  3. Gefahrbremsung unvermeidbar + Zum vor Ihnen Kind = 50 Km/h
  4. Pkw+ Innerhalb geschlossener Ortschaften = 50 Km/h
  5. Kraftfahrzeug + Schneeketten = 50 Km/h
  6. Autobahn + Nebel = 50 Km/h
  7. Richtgeschwindigkeit für Pkw, Motorräder auf Autobahn = 130 Km/h

Wie lange können Sie halten

Bushaltestelle = 3 Minuten

Halten Verboten

  1. Einmündungen
  2. Kreuzungen
  3. Bahnübergänge
  4. Füßgängerüberweg

Halten nicht verboten

  1. Gründstück
  2. Bushaltestelle mit Zick zack linie


Rot-weiße = Anhänger + auf der Fahrbahn abgestellt , Fahrzeug mit überbreite

Orange = Gefahrgut Transport

How to solve recent Windows 10 Update “KB5001330” problems

There are totally seven steps involved in solving the windows 10 update problem “KB5001330”

Step 1: open the Settings App

Step 2: Click ‘Update and Security’

Step 3: Click ‘Windows Update’ as shown below

Step 4: View the update History by clicking the option like below

Step 5: Please click ‘Uninstall updates’

Step 6: Select the particular update which shows “KB5001330” and then right click in the mouse and finally click the uninstall option.

Step 7 : Please don’t forget to reboot the machine in order to see the changes in windows 10

In the future we’ll be ‘Data Trash Engineers’.

The next decade will see the emergence of strange new job “data trash engineer” will arrive to replace those made obsolete by robots and automation, but the report’s authors warn that they’ll require society to handle a big shift in education and training. There has been plenty of fear in recent years about the rise of artificial intelligence, with forecasts suggesting that anything from  33 per cent to 50 per cent of certain jobs at risk of being taken over by machines.

In the report, it outlines the professions that will appear in the future as society adapts to a more automated and highly digitised world, with many of them reading like something from a sci-fi film or dystopian novel. With names like “head of machine personality design” and “flying car developer,” some of them are fairly self-explanatory and already semi-familiar, yet others suggest that the future will be a very strange place indeed.

Data Trash Engineer


The theory behind junk data is often wrong, and we need to fix it. Data that has not been used by anyone in the past 12 months, has no foreseeable use as initially imagined, and isn’t necessary for regulatory purposes, can still be turned into insights. Just like food waste is a carbon that can be used to produce green energy, data waste is still meaningful if cleaned.

We’re seeking data trash engineers who can identify unused data in our organization, clean that data and feed it into machine-learning algorithms to find hidden insights by not only increasing how much data is collected, but also improving the data quality.

In the end, the goal of the data trash engineer is to transform data from trash to treasure. The possibilities are endless, and we expect the employee in this role to originate award-winning ideas.

What it takes to become a Data Trash Engineer?

In today’s business world, we often struggle to manage the ever-expanding volume of data around us, while also ensuring the quality of that data. As a result, we often end up labelling piles of data as waste if it hasn’t been used in the last 12 months. However, if we mine, refine and distribute it, data trash can be profitable, and the return on investment can be significant.

As a key member of a fast-paced, high-performing and highly-visible data analytics team, the data trash engineer will have the opportunity to use quantitative skills and develop well-rounded business insights by working across various functions on impactful, business-focused projects.

In this role, you’ll apply analytical rigor and statistical methods to data trash in order to guide decision-making, product development and strategic initiatives. This will be done by creating a “data trash nutrition labelling” system that will rate the quality of waste datasets and manage the “data-growth-data-trash” ratio.

For instance, if we’re expecting 30% annual growth in data over the next 12 months, the data trash engineer will ensure 30% of the data labelled as trash is cleaned and translated into key business decisions. In the end, this role will help us fix the data trash problem by establishing a ”trash-to-treasure” data supply chain.

What exactly Data Trash Engineers do?

  • Create a data trash nutrition labelling system to rate the quality of each dataset. Perform end-to-end analyses that include business requirement specifications, data cleaning, analyzing, modelling, validating and facilitating gradual improvements.
  • Become a champion of the “trash-to-treasure” innovation program by helping business teams find new opportunities, enhance customer interactions and uncover new business models. Review, analyze and share results to guide improvements, decision-making and program optimizations.
  • Design AI test experiments that focus on enhancing customer experiences of our offerings, services and programs, as well as offer consultation and closely monitor experiment execution. The data trash engineer will ensure an uninterrupted supply of clean data is available for AI technologies to deliver the required results.
  • Participate in the planning and strategy of key business projects by making business recommendations with effective presentations at multiple levels of stakeholders through visually compelling analytical results from the trash-to-treasure program.
  • Drive collaboration and partnership with other data teams to ensure customer success.
  • Partner closely with our legal teams to ensure we’re treating all customer data to comply with appropriate confidentiality and usage.

“The goal of the data trash engineer is to transform data from trash to treasure. The possibilities are endless, and we expect the employee in this role to originate award-winning ideas”.


  • A master’s degree in a quantitative discipline (e.g., statistics, computer science, quantitative psychology, applied mathematics).
  • Three to five years of experience with various data analysis tools, data mining tools and statistical packages.
  • Experience working on big data and machine learning technologies, such as Azure Cosmos DB, TLC, Azure ML, Cortana Analytics, R, Python and SQL.
  • Proficiency with analytical tools (R, SAS, Matlab, Python or Stata).
  • Development experience in at least one scripting language, such as Python, Java, C, C++, Ruby or Perl.
  • Solid interpersonal, cross-organizational collaboration capabilities, as well as written, verbal and visual communication skills to present complex analytical results concisely and effectively.
  • Experience developing data visualization offerings and dashboards.


So far, we have learned what is Data Trash Engineering, what they do and how to become one by satisfying skills and qualifications.