3 longest German words

As you know German language is famous for its compound words. Compound words means simply combining two or more words and forming a one long word.

1. Kraftfahrzeughaftpflichtversicherung (36)

The meaning of this word is motor vehicle liability insurance and simplified as Kfz-Haftpflichtversicherung.

2. Rechtschutzversicherungsgesellschaften (39)

The meaning of this word is legal protection insurance companies. And this word is also in Guinness World Records as longest word in German.

3. Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän (42)

The meaning of this word is Danube steamship company captain.

These are some of the longest german words. If you any other long words let me know in our comments section!

How to write a Cover Letter in Germany for Job application

  • It should not be more than one page.
  • The content should occupy only 75% of the page.
  • It can be divided in to 3 or 4 paragraphs.
  • If you know the contact person in HR Department for the corresponding position, in which you are applying, then address it directly with Sehr geehrter Herr. or Sehr geehrte Frau. If you don’t know the corresponding person, then address it with Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren.
  • Include the Job Location and Date at the beginning and also your full name with address and contact details.
  • Mention the Job Title as the subject title of the Cover Letter.
  • The first two lines of the Cover Letter is very critical to get your Job application noticed. So make sure you highlight your experience or your skills which fits for the Job. It is very important that those two lines should ensure that your Job application must stand out from others. It must refer to the required skills sets of the Job.
  • Please follow a chronological order in your Cover Letter. For example, mention your current working experience or your current studies.
  • The first paragraph must convey to the employer that you are very much interested in the Job. It must be justified with the reason.
  • You should never mention that the organisation is the reason to apply for the Job. Instead it should be the Job position and its requirements.
  • The points mentioned in the Cover Letter must not be repeated in the Curriculum vitae or Resume.
  • Please don’t forget to conclude that you are looking forward for a personal interview.
  • Please sign your cover letter and mention your full name below the signature. Include also the Date and Place.
  • The skills, experience, Qualification must match atleast 50% to the Job requirements.