How to use German Perfect Tense with ‘sein’?

The hilfsverb sein means to be.

We use sein for:

  • verbs that imply a change of location such as fahren, gehen, schwimmen, ankommen etc.,

Ich bin schon nach Hause gegangen.

Tim ist nach Hannover gefahren.

Magda ist gestern 2 Stunden geschwommen.

  • verbs that imply a change of state such as einschlafen, aufwachen, schmelzen etc.,

Ich bin auf dem Sofa eingeschlafen.

Wir sind heute früh aufgewacht.

Was ist passiert?

  • verbs sein, bleiben, werden.

Ich bin bei Thomas geblieben.

Wo bist du gewesen?

Ich bin krank geworden.

How to run Python in HTML using PyScript?

Before knowing about running the Pyscript, first we need to know what is pyscript. I have written a separate article kindly check that one if you wish am leaving the link here.

PyScript has three main components for writing python in HTML.

  • py-env defines the Python packages needed to run your Python code. 
  • py-script is where you write your Python code that gets executed within the web page.
  • py-repl creates a REPL (read-eval-print loop) component that evaluates the code users enter and displays the results.
1.Create a HTML file.
2. Go to website.
3. Click on install. Copy the code and paste it on the <head> tag of the HTML file.
pyscript website
4. Use PyScript tags to run python code.
sample code



PyScript: Python in Browser

What is PyScript?

PyScript is a framework that allows users to create Python applications in browser by using Python in standard HTML. PyScript aims to provide users first class programming language experience by providing consistent styling rules, more expressive and easier to learn. Anaconda’s CEO Peter Wang announced this new technology at PyCon US 2022.

Core components:
  • Python in browser
  • Python ecosystem: Runing many popular modules of python in browser.
  • Environment management: Allow users to manage which package and files to include.
  • Visual Application Development: No need to worry about deployment as everything happens in web browser.
  • Python with Javascript: Bidirectional communication between python and javascript.
  • Flexible framework.
How does it work?

             PyScript is built on Pyodide. Pyodide is a port of CPython to WebAssembly / Emscripten. Pyodide makes it possible to install and run Python packages in the browser with micropip. Web assembly is a technology that makes it possible to write websites in Python. It uses a human readable .wat text format language, which then gets converted to a binary.wasm format that browsers can run.

  • Offer clean and simple API
  • Support standard HTML
  • Extend HTML to read custom components that are opinionated and reliable.
  • Provide a pluggable and extensible components system.
PyScript Techstack:

PyScript is an experimental project, very alpha and under heavy development. Javascript won’t die because of PyScript. Only it’s popularity may decrease as it relates to web development. The Project is developed by Anaconda.

In the next article, I will let you know about running python in HTML with hello world program example and attach the link below.

How to run python in HTML?



1. Alle is used with a noun. Alles is used without a noun.
2. Alle refers to person or things. Alles refers to things only.
3. Alle relates to countable. Alles relates to uncountable.
4. Alle = artikelwort. Alles = indefinitpronomen


Fast alle Leute in Deutschland reisen gern.

Alle Kinder lieben Schokolade.

Wir haben alles gemacht.

Ich verkaufe alles.

Compound words in German


Compound words or Komposita is nothing but a combination of different words to form a new long word.

They are composed of either

1. noun + noun

der Tisch + die Decke = die Tischdecke

der Müll + der Eimer = der Mülleimer

2. adjective + noun

alt + das Papier = das Altpapier

groß + die Eltern = die Großeltern

3. verb + noun

waschen + die Maschine = die Waschmaschine

warten+ das Zimmer = das Wartzimmer

4. noun + adjective

die Luft + leer = luftleer

das Fett + los = fettlos

5. preposition + noun

vor + der Ort = der Vorort

6. preposition + verb

runter + springen = runterspringen

über + gehen = übergehen

7. adjective + adjective

hell + blau = hellblau

dunkel + grün = dunkelgrün

Compound word formation rules:

1. When combining words if the words have different article we always use the article of the last word as in case of die Tischdecke.
2. Its always the last word that determines the word type. Eg: über (preposition) + gehen (verb) = übergehen (verb)
3. Only last noun is declined. Eg: das Bügelbrett -> die Bügelbretter.
4. Numbers are always written together. Eg: Zweihundretzweiundzwanzig (222)
5. After 1998 Rechtschreibung verb + verb compound words are not written together. Eg: kennen lernen

3 Way to say people in German

The 3 main words in German language for the word ‘people’ is

1. Leute

Informal term for people. This is the word that exists only in plural.

die Leute

Viele Leute warten auf den Bus.

2. Menschen

Formal term for people. This words refers to ‘human beings’.

der Mensch / die Menschen

Sie hat wenig Geduld mit unhöflichen Menschen.

3. Volk

This is not used quite often and its rather rare. Sometimes refers to nation.

das Volk / die Völker

Dem Deutschen Volke ( -e ending is exception same way as zu Hause)

alle Völker der Welt

When addressing a nationality like german people or american people we won’t use Leute or Menschen.

die Deutschen or das Deutsche Volk

die Amerikaner

Sometimes ‘man’ which literally means they, one, you is used in terms of people.

man sagt, dass…

Which countries speak German?

Honestly before learning this wonderful language, I was not aware that German is spoken in this many countries. Germany is not the only country where German is spoken. German is third learned popular language in USA. Officially around 130 million people speak German as their mother tongue.

As official Language

German is an official language in the following countries

1. Germany
2. Austria
3. Switzerland
4. Belgium
5. Luxembourg
6. Liechtenstein

In addition, German has a official status and is recognised as a minority language in

  • Italy
  • Hungary
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Poland
  • Russia
  • Romania
  • Slovakia
  • Vatican city

Around 16% of European population speak German.

3 longest German words

As you know German language is famous for its compound words. Compound words means simply combining two or more words and forming a one long word.

1. Kraftfahrzeughaftpflichtversicherung (36)

The meaning of this word is motor vehicle liability insurance and simplified as Kfz-Haftpflichtversicherung.

2. Rechtschutzversicherungsgesellschaften (39)

The meaning of this word is legal protection insurance companies. And this word is also in Guinness World Records as longest word in German.

3. Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän (42)

The meaning of this word is Danube steamship company captain.

These are some of the longest german words. If you any other long words let me know in our comments section!


bitten- bitten, bittet, bat, hat gebeten

bitten- to ask, request

Anna hat mich um Hilfe gebeten.

bieten- bieten, bietet, bot, hat geboten

bieten – to offer, provide, bid

Diese Website hat (Deutschlernern) viel zu bieten

beten – beten, betet, betete, hat gebetet

beten – to pray

Ich bete das Vaterunser

betten – betten, bettet, bettete, hat gebettet

betten – to make a bed for

Sie bettet das Kind in eine Wiege